Toy Story 4 – Treine a Conversação do Inglês Americano

Esta aula de Inglês é baseada na tradução e pronúncia da aula com o filme Toy Story 4. Eu vou usar as frases do trailer como base para as minhas frases e perguntas.

Você e eu vamos fazer um pequeno exercício de conversação que eu chamo de Simulador de Conversas, vamos praticar a sua fluência com algumas perguntas e respostas em Inglês – o melhor exercício para falar sem traduzir mentalmente.

Deixa eu explicar como o exercício funciona:

  1. Primeiro, vou te dar uma frase curta.
  2. Depois, vou fazer algumas perguntas sobre essas informações.
  3. Após cada pergunta, há uma pausa. É a sua vez de responder! Responda como se você estivesse falando cara a cara comigo então se eu falar “EU alguma coisa?, responda com “VOCÊ alguma coisa, e vice versa. Após te dar uns 5 segundos pra responder, darei a(s) resposta(s) correta(s).

Vamos começar!

Bonnie made a friend in class.
Did bonnie make a friend in class?
Yes, Bonnie made a friend in class.

She’s already making friends.
Is se already making friends?
She’s already making friends.

She literally made a new friend.
Did se literally make a new friend?
Yes, se literally made a new friend.

He’s a spork!
Is he a spork?
Yes, he’s a spork.

Forky is the most important toy to Bonnie right now.
Is Forky the most important toy to Bonnie right now?
Yes, Forky is the most important toy to Bonnie right now.

We all have to make sure nothing happens to him.
Do we all have to make sure nothing happens to him?
Yes, we all have to make sure nothing happens to him.

We have a situation.
Do we have a situation?
Yes, we have a situation.

You are not a toy.
Are you a toy?
No, I’m not a toy.

You’re Bonnie’s toy.
Are you Bonnie’s toy?
Yes, I’m Bonnie’s toy.

You are going to help create happy memories that will last for the rest of her life.
Are you going to help create happy memories that will last for the rest of her life?
Yes, I am going to help create happy memories that will last for the rest of her life.

We can’t stay.
Can we stay?
No, we can’t stay.

We need to get back to our kid.
Do we need to get back to our kid?
Yes, we need to get back to our kid.

Bonnie needs Forky.
Does Bonnie need Forky?
Yes, Bonnie needs Forky.

We have to find them.
Do we have to find them?
Yes, we have to find them.

You can’t teach an old toy new tricks.
Can you teach an old toy new tricks?
No, I can’t teach an old toy new tricks.

You’d be surprised.
Would you be surprised?
Yes, I’d be surprised.

Kids lose their toys every day.
Do kids lose their toys every day?
Yes, kids lose their toys every day.

Somebody’s whispering in my ear.
Is somebody whispering in my ear?
Yes, somebody is whispering in your ear.

Everything’s gonna be ok.
Is everything gonna be ok?
Yes, everything’s gonna be ok.

Bem, isso é tudo por hoje.


See you next time!

Bye! Bye!



