Sotaque enfase reducao palavra to

Sons Reduzidos: A Palavra TO

Como você já sabe, como enfatizamos as palavras mais importantes, precisamos reduzir as palavras menos importantes como preposições.

A preposição TO normalmente se reduz tanto que seu som acaba sendo:

to work

to school
[t’ school]

O TO pode ser reduzido dentro das palavras também.




Use o som t’ or tə para substituir TO.

to the store
[t’ th’ store]

We have to go now.
[we hæftə go næo]

He went to work
[he wentə work]

They hope to find it.
[they houptə fine dit]

I can’t wait to find out.
[äi cæn(t)wai(t)tə fine dæot]

We don’t know what to do.
[we dont know w'(t)t’ do]

Don’t jump to conclusions.
[dont j’m t’ c’ncloozh’nz]

To be or not to be…
[t’bee(y)r nät t’ bee]

He didn’t get to go.
[he din ge(t)tə gou]

Se o TO vir DEPOIS de um som de vogal, vira sara seria sarada (d’ or də)

He told me to help.
[he told meedə help]

She told you to get it.
[she tol joodə geddit]

I go to work
[ai goudə wrk]

at a quarter to two
[ædə kworder də two]

The only way to get it is…
[thee(y)only waydə geddidiz]

You’ve got to pay to get it.
[yoov gäddə paydə geddit]

We plan to do it.
[we plæn də do it]

Let’s go to lunch.
[lets goudə lunch]

The score was 4 ~ 6
[th’ score w’z for də six]

It’s the only way to do it.
[its thee(y)ounly weidə do(w)’t]

So to speak…
[soda speak]

I don’t know how to say it.
[äi don(t)know hæwdə say(y) it]

Go to page 8.
[goudə pay jate]

Show me how to get it.
[show me hæodə geddit]

You need to know when to do it
[you nee(d)də nou wendə do (w)it]

Who’s to blame?
[hooz də blame]






2 respostas para “Sons Reduzidos: A Palavra TO”

  1. Avatar de Jobson Santiago
    Jobson Santiago

    Dude. That lesson was dope!🤙🏾🤙🏾🤙🏾🤙🏾🤙🏾🤙🏾

    1. Avatar de seu_ing_2021

      Thanks Jobson for the positive feedback. Just like the word “TO”, there are many other “less important” words which also are reduced like that. This week I’ll be recording some of those words. If you liked this lesson, I’m sure you’ll love the next ones coming up.

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