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Inglês: Vocabulário Essencial #101 a #110 | Simulador de Conversação
Esta aula de Inglês é baseada na tradução e pronúncia da aula Palavras em Inglês Mais Comuns #101 a #110. Eu vou usar as frases da aula como base para as minhas frases e perguntas.
Você e eu vamos fazer um pequeno exercício de conversação que eu chamo de Simulador de Conversas, vamos praticar a sua fluência com algumas perguntas e respostas em Inglês – o melhor exercício para falar sem traduzir mentalmente.
Deixa eu explicar como o exercício funciona:
- Primeiro, vou te dar uma frase curta.
- Depois, vou fazer algumas perguntas sobre essas informações.
- Após cada pergunta, há uma pausa. É a sua vez de responder! Responda como se você estivesse falando cara a cara comigo então se eu falar “EU alguma coisa?, responda com “VOCÊ alguma coisa, e vice versa. Após te dar uns 5 segundos pra responder, darei a(s) resposta(s) correta(s).
Vamos começar!
You will take only one.
Do you want one or two?
I will take only one.
I’m only human.
Am I only human?
Yes, you’re only human.
Only Alex knows.
Does only Alex know?
Yes, only Alex knows.
Those apples are big.
Are those apples big?
Yes, those apples are good.
Those are my pants.
Are those my pants?
Yes, those are my pants.
Those were his actual words.
Were those his actual words?
Yes, those were his actual words.
Tell me.
Can you tell me?
Yes, I can tell you.
You should tell the truth.
Should you tell the truth?
Yes, I should tell the truth.
I told Tom.
Did I tell Tom?
Yes, you told Tom.
I saw one.
Did I see one?
Yes, you saw one.
I have one.
Do I have one?
Yes, you have one.
No one came.
Did no one come?
Yes, no one came.
He’s very sad.
Is he very sad?
Yes, he’s very sad.
She’s very shy.
Is she very shy?
Yes, she’s very shy.
He’s very ill.
Is he very ill?
Yes, he’s very ill.
Let’s leave her alone.
Should we leave her alone?
Yes, let’s leaver her alone.
She hated her husband.
Did she hate her husband?
Yes, she hated her husband.
The news made her happy.
Did the news make her happy?
Yes, the news made her happy.
I will go there even if it rains.
Will I go there even if it rains?
Yes, you will go there even after it rains.
The storm became even more violent.
Did the storm become even more violent?
Yes, the storm became even more violent.
He came back soon.
Did he come back soon?
Yes, he came back soon.
I’ll be back at ten.
Will I be back at ten?
Yes, you’ll be back at ten.
They came back from Canada.
Did they come back from Canada?
Yes, they came back from Canada.
You have some gum.
Do you have some gum?
Yes, I have some gum.
Alex should be here any minute.
Should Alex be here any minute?
Yes, Alex should be here any minute.
You were good.
Were you good?
Yes, I was good.
Perfeito. Esse é o fim da aula. Como você pode ver, você está treinando com perguntas e respostas fáceis em inglês o tempo todo, melhorando sua conversação e te tornando mais fluente..
Agora volte e pratique os trechos das perguntas e respostas com os quais você teve mais dificuldade, até você conseguir entender e responder ao menos 80%.
Bem, isso é tudo por hoje.
See you next time!
Bye! Bye!