ingles vocabulario essencial 001 010

Inglês: Vocabulário Essencial #001 a #010 | Simulador de Conversação

Esta aula de Inglês é baseada na tradução e pronúncia da aula Palavras em Inglês Mais Comuns #001 a #010. Eu vou usar as frases da aula como base para as minhas frases e perguntas.

Você e eu vamos fazer um pequeno exercício de conversação que eu chamo de Simulador de Conversas, vamos praticar a sua fluência com algumas perguntas e respostas em Inglês – o melhor exercício para falar sem traduzir mentalmente.

Deixa eu explicar como o exercício funciona:

  1. Primeiro, vou te dar uma frase curta.
  2. Depois, vou fazer algumas perguntas sobre essas informações.
  3. Após cada pergunta, há uma pausa. É a sua vez de responder! Responda como se você estivesse falando cara a cara comigo então se eu falar “EU alguma coisa?, responda com “VOCÊ alguma coisa, e vice versa. Após te dar uns 5 segundos pra responder, darei a(s) resposta(s) correta(s).

Vamos começar!

I am the CEO.
Am I the CEO?
Yes. You are the CEO.

I’m the law.
Am I the law?
Yes. you are the law.

The TV’s on.
Is the TV on?
Yes. The TV is on.

You could be fair.
Could you be fair?
Yes. I could be fair.

You could be kind.
Could you be kind?
Yes. I could be kind.

You will be nice.
Will you be nice?
Yes. I will be nice.

You could come and see.
Could you come and see?
Yes. I could come and see.

You will run and hide.
Will you run and hide?
Yes. I will run and hide.

You will come and look.
Will you come and look?
Yes. I will come and look.

He is not one of them.
Is he one of them?
No. He’s not one of them.

It’s out of hand.
Is it out of hand?
Yes. It’s out of hand.

Lima is the capital of Peru.
Is Lima the capital of Peru?
Yes, Lima is the capital of Peru.

She’s a DJ.
Is she a DJ?
Yes. She’s a DJ

I’m a cop.
Am I a cop?
Yes. You’re a cop.

I’m not a pro.
Am I pro?
No. You’re not a pro.

You will come in.
Will you come in?
Yes. I will come in.

You will go in.
Will you go in?
Yes. I will go in.

Tom’s not in.
Is Tom in?
No. Tom’s not in.

She’ll go to bed.
Will she go to bed?
Yes. She’ll go to bed.

He will come to me.
Will he come to me?
Yes, he will come to you.

They will come to us.
Will they come to us?
Yes. They will come to us.

You could get to bed.
Could you get to bed?
Yes. I could get to bed.

You could go have fun.
Could you go have fun?
Yes. I could go have fun.

I have a book.
Do I have a book?
Yes. You have a book.

You will have a seat.
Will you have a seat?
Yes. I will have a seat.

I could see you later.
Could I see you later?
Yes. You could see me later.

You are great.
Are you great?
Yes. I am great.

You won.
Did you win?
Yes. I won.

You’re happy.
Are you happy?
Yes. I’m happy.

It’s OK.
Is it OK?
Yes. It’s OK.

It’s me.
Is it me?
Yes. It’s you.



