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A Vida Secreta de Walter Mitty – Treine a Conversação do Inglês Americano
Esta aula de Inglês é baseada na tradução e pronúncia da aula com o filme A Vida Secreta de Walter Mitty. Eu vou usar as frases do trailer como base para as minhas frases e perguntas.
Você e eu vamos fazer um pequeno exercício de conversação que eu chamo de Ativação, vamos praticar a sua fluência com algumas perguntas e respostas em Inglês – o melhor exercício para falar sem traduzir mentalmente.
Deixa eu explicar como o exercício funciona:
- Primeiro, vou te dar uma frase curta, esta é a resposta que eu quero.
- Depois, vou fazer uma pergunta, com base na resposta que eu quero você me responde.
- Responda como se você estivesse falando cara a cara comigo então se eu falar “EU alguma coisa?, responda com “VOCÊ alguma coisa, e vice versa. Após te dar uns 5 segundos pra responder, darei a(s) resposta(s) correta(s).
The sky is blue. (Resposta que eu quero)
Is the sky red? (Pergunta)
The sky is not red, it’s blue. (Você responde em 5 segundos)
Revelo a resposta que você deveria ter dado.
Vamos começar!
You’d like to leave a wink for someone.
How can I help you today?
I’d like to leave a wink for someone.
You’re looking at my profile.
What are you doing?
I’m looking at your profile.
I left a lot of this stuff blank.
What did I do?
You left a lot of this stuff blank.
You haven’t really been anywhere noteworthy or mentionable.
Have you ever been somewhere noteworthy or mentionable?
No, I haven’t been anywhere noteworthy or mentionable.
We have ahead of us the privilege of publishing the very last issue of Life Magazine.
What do we have ahead of us?
We have the privilege of publishing the very last issue of Life magazine.
It’s not there.
Is it there?
No it’s not there.
I know.
Do I know?
Yes, you know.
It’s a travel journal dad gave you.
What is it?
It’s a travel Journal dad gave me.
It was wonderful.
How was your weekend?
It was wonderful.
You had an awesome weekend.
Did you have a shitty weekend?
No, I had an awesome weekend.
She moves like a woman.
How does she move?
She moves like a woman.
You’d like to climb my hair.
What would you like to do?
I’d like to climb your hair.
Zoned out.
What is it you call it when he goes into one of his little places?
Zoned out.
You lost the picture.
What’s the matter?
I lost the picture.
You like mysteries.
Do you like comedies?
No, I like mysteries.
I should go, crack the case.
Should I go, crack the case?
Yes, you should go, crack the case.
We don’t.
Where do we land?
We don’t.
I’m safe.
Am I in danger?
No, you’re safe.
That’s a shark.
Is that a dolphin?
No, that’s a shark.
Life is about courage and going into the unknown.
What is life about?
Life is about courage and going into the unknown.
Hey man where are you now?
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