sotaque ingles americano enfase verbos regulares pronuncia

A Pronúncia de Verbos Regulares

A forma do passado simples dos verbos regulares se dá pelo acréscimo do sufixo -ED, indicando que o verbo está no passado simples ou no particípio passado (3rd coluna). Há 3 pronúncias para este sufixo: /d/ – /t/ – /ɪd/.

/d/ Quando a pronúncia do verbo terminar em uma vogal ou uma consoante sonora (com vibração das cordas vocais), a pronúncia do sufixo -ED será /d/.

play  /pleɪ/          played/pleɪd/
grab  /græb/    grabbed/græbd/
brag          /bræg/bragged/brægd/
live      /lɪv/lived/lɪvd/
use             /yu:z/used/yu:zd/
engage  /ɪnˈgeɪdʒ/engaged/ɪnˈgeɪdʒd/
blame /bleɪm/blamed/bleɪmd/
listen     /lɪsən/listened/lɪsənd/
control /kənˈtroʊl/controlled/kənˈtroʊld/

/t/ Quando a pronúncia do verbo terminar em uma consoante não-sonora (sem vibração das cordas vocais), a pronúncia do sufixo -ED será /t/. Exemplo:

stop/stɑp/    stopped/stɑpt/
work      /wərk/worked/wərkt/
laugh     /læf/laughed/læft/
miss     /mɪs/missed/mɪst/
cash     /kæʃ/cashed/kæʃt/
watch    /wɑtʃ/watched/wɑtʃt/

/ɪd/     Quando a pronúncia do verbo terminar em T ou D, a pronúncia do suffixo -ED será /ɪd/: Exemplo:

need  /niːd/needed/niːdɪd/
attend   /ətend/attended/ətendɪd/
visit   /vɪzət/ visited/vɪzətɪd/
create     /kriːeɪt/created/prɪntɪd/
want     /wɔnt/wanted/wɔntɪd/
print     /prɪnt/printed/kriːeɪtɪd/

Exemplos de Verbos Regulares em Frases do Dia a Dia Americano.

  1. I graciously accept the award on her behalf.
  2. He graciously accepted the award on her behalf.
  3. I think I add too much sugar to the recipe.
  4. I think Sara added too much sugar to the recipe.
  5. admire Mr. Jones for his intellect.
  6. Moe admired Mr. Jones for his intellect.
  7. I admit that it was all her fault.
  8. Corinne admitted that it was all her fault.
  9. advise against staying out too late.
  10. Her parents advised against staying out too late.
  11. I agree to meet at the coffee shop.
  12. They agreed to meet at the coffee shop.
  13. I announce the grand prize winner of the night.
  14. Liz announced the grand prize winner of the night.
  15. bake a cake alone sometimes.
  16. The family baked a cake together.
  17. I behave very badly at preschool.
  18. Timmy behaved very badly at preschool.
  19. The headlights nearly blind the deer on the road.
  20. The headlights nearly blinded the deer on the road.
  21. blush at the compliment.
  22. Flora blushed at the compliment.
  23. The children camp in the backyard.
  24. The children camped in the backyard last night.
  25. collect stamps as a hobby.
  26. crash into the tree with my car.
  27. They deserve what they get.
  28. They deserved what they got.
  29. I hope to form a whole new opinion about Joe.
  30. Beck formed a whole new opinion about Joe.
  31. I always nod in agreement.
  32. Andrew nodded in agreement.



