Esqueceram de Mim – Treine a Conversação do Inglês Americano

Esta aula de Inglês é baseada na tradução e pronúncia da aula com o filme Esqueceram de Mim. Eu vou usar as frases do trailer como base para as minhas frases e perguntas.

Você e eu vamos fazer um pequeno exercício de conversação que eu chamo de Ativação, vamos praticar a sua fluência com algumas perguntas e respostas em Inglês – o melhor exercício para falar sem traduzir mentalmente.

Deixa eu explicar como o exercício funciona:

  1. Primeiro, vou te dar uma frase curta, esta é a resposta que eu quero.
  2. Depois, vou fazer uma pergunta, com base na resposta que eu quero você me responde.
  3. Responda como se você estivesse falando cara a cara comigo então se eu falar “EU alguma coisa?, responda com “VOCÊ alguma coisa, e vice versa. Após te dar uns 5 segundos pra responder, darei a(s) resposta(s) correta(s).


The sky is blue. (Resposta que eu quero)
Is the sky red? (Pergunta)
The sky is not red, it’s blue. (Você responde em 5 segundos)
Revelo a resposta que você deveria ter dado.

Vamos começar!

Everyone in this family hates you.
Does everyone in this family hate you?
Yes, everyone in this family hates me.

Then maybe you should ask Santa for a new family.
Should you ask the Easter Bunny for a new family?
No, I should ask Santa for a new family.

You don’t want a new family.
Do you want a new family?
No, I don’t want a new family.

I’m what the French call Les incompetent.
What do the French call me?
The French call you Les incompetent.

You wouldn’t let me sleep in your room if I were growing on your ass.
Would you let me sleep in your room?
I wouldn’t let you sleep in my room if you were growing on my ass.

Nothing is wrong with with you.
What is the matter with you?
Nothing is wrong with me.

There are 15 people in this house and you’re the only one who has to make trouble.
How many people are there in this house?
There are 15 people in this house.

You are taking a trip to Brazil.
Are you taking a trip to Paris?
No, I’m taking a trip to Brazil.

We have to leave tomorrow morning.
Do we leave tomorrow night?
No, we have to leave tomorrow morning.

We slept in.
Did we sleep in?
Yes we slept in.

We just made it.
Did we miss the flight?
No you just made it.

You got a terrible feeling.
Whats going on?
I got a terrible feeling.

What else could we be forgetting?

You’ve made your family disappear.
What did you do?
I’ve made my family disappear.

You’re not at all worried that something might happen to him.
Are you not at all worried that something might happen to him?
I’m not at all worried that something might happen to him.

We live in the most boring Street in the United States of America.
Where do you live?
We live in the most boring Street in the USA.

Your mom’s in the car.
Where’s your mom?
My mom’s in the car.

He’s at work.
Where’s your father?
He’s at work.

You can’t tell me that.
Where do you live?
I can’t tell you that.

Cuz I’m a stranger.
Why not?
Cuz you’re a stranger.

I know that you’re in there.
Do I know that you’re in there?
Yes you know that I’m in here.

It’s Santa Claus and his elf.
Who is it?
It’s Santa Claus and his elf.




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