A Matrix – Treine a Conversação do Inglês Americano

Esta aula de Inglês é baseada na tradução e pronúncia da aula com o filme Matrix. Eu vou usar as frases do trailer como base para as minhas frases e perguntas.

Você e eu vamos fazer um pequeno exercício de conversação que eu chamo de Ativação, vamos praticar a sua fluência com algumas perguntas e respostas em Inglês – o melhor exercício para falar sem traduzir mentalmente.

Deixa eu explicar como o exercício funciona:

  1. Primeiro, vou te dar uma frase curta, esta é a resposta que eu quero.
  2. Depois, vou fazer uma pergunta, com base na resposta que eu quero você me responde.
  3. Responda como se você estivesse falando cara a cara comigo então se eu falar “EU alguma coisa?, responda com “VOCÊ alguma coisa, e vice versa. Após te dar uns 5 segundos pra responder, darei a(s) resposta(s) correta(s).

Vamos começar!

I seem particularly triggered right now.
Do you seem particularly triggered right now?
Not I, you seem particularly triggered right now.

You can’t tell me what happened.
Can you tell me what happened?
No, I can’t tell you what happened.

You’ve had dreams that weren’t just dreams.
Did you have dreams that were more than dreams?
Yes, I’ve had dreams that were more than dreams/weren’t just dreams.

I am sane.
Am I crazy?
No, you are not crazy, you are sane.

We don’t use that word in here.
What don’t we use here?
That word. We don’t use that word here.

We’ve met.
Have we met?
Yes, we’ve met.

Time to fly.
What time is it?
It’s time to fly.

You want the truth.
Do you want the truth?
Yes, I want the truth.

You’re gonna have to follow me.
What are you going to have to do?
I’m going to have to follow you.

The only thing that matters to you is still here.
Is the only thing that matters to you still here?
Yes, the only thing that matters to me is still here.

You know why I’m still fighting, and why I’ll never give up.
Do you know why I’m still fighting?
Yes, I know why you’re still fighting.

You’re going back to where it all started.
Are you going back to where it all ended?
No, I’m going back to where it all started.

You’re going back to the Matrix.
Where are you going back to?
I’m going back to the Matrix.




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