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Perspectivas – Two Years Ago – Passado > Futuro
Nesta aula vamos usar a técnica da perspectiva. O principal benefício desta técnica é que ela ajudará você aprender gramática intuitivamente, sem chato exercícios ou regras de memorização.
É assim que funciona: vou contar uma curta história mais de uma vez. Cada vez, eu vou mudar algo na gramática. Por exemplo, posso mudar o tempo verbal ou a pessoa. Dessa forma, você reconhecerá intuitivamente as mudanças.
Ok, vamos começar.
Two years ago, I started learning English. I was very excited about the opportunity to learn a new language. I was very committed, and I was very sure I would be successful because I chose a different and more effective approach. I planned to spend two hours each day listening to English lessons. The first week felt a bit difficult because I was not used to the new sounds, but I got used to it. After two weeks, I started to feel more comfortable, although sometimes I had to stop the audio, just to have more time to understand.
After three months, I saw that my English got much better. The material I used in the first month was much easier, and I didn’t need to pause the audio. However, after four months, my English was more or less the same, or at least it’s how I felt. I tried more advanced materials, but I found them too difficult. I didn’t know what to do. I decided to change my approach. Instead of just listening for two hours a day, I would listen for three hours. Not only at home but also when I was driving and while I was doing exercise. I didn’t notice any progress in the first two weeks, but after that, I noticed that my English was improving again! That was very exciting, and since then, I tried to listen to English audios at least two hours each day.
Muito bem. Agora, vou contar a você a mesma história usando o tempo futuro.
Two years from now, I’ll start learning English. I’ll be very excited about the opportunity to learn a new language. I’ll be very committed, and I’ll be very sure that I’ll be successful because I’ll choose a different and more effective approach. I will plan to spend two hours each day listening to English lessons. The first week will feel a bit difficult, because I’ll not be used to the new sounds, but I’ll get used to it. After two weeks, I’ll start to feel more comfortable, although sometimes I’ll have to stop the audio, just to have more time
to understand.
After three months, I’ll see that my English will be better. The material I’ll use in the first month will be much easier, and I won’t need to pause the audio. However, after four months, my English will be more or less the same, or at least it’s how I’ll feel. I’ll try more advanced materials, but I’ll find them too difficult. I won’t know what to do. I’ll decide to change my approach. Instead of just listening for two hours a day, I will listen for three hours. Not only at home but also when I’ll be driving and while I’ll be doing exercise.
I won’t notice any progress in the first two weeks, but after that, I’ll see that my English will be improving again! That will be very exciting, and from that moment on, I’ll try to listen to English audios at least two hours each day.
Ok, este é o fim da aula.
Como você pode ver, apenas mudando o ponto de vista da história, você pode aprender a gramática de forma intuitiva. Hoje, praticamos os verbos frasais usando dois tempos diferentes: passado e presente.