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A Pronúncia de Verbos Regulares
A forma do passado simples dos verbos regulares se dá pelo acréscimo do sufixo -ED, indicando que o verbo está no passado simples ou no particípio passado (3rd coluna). Há 3 pronúncias para este sufixo: /d/ – /t/ – /ɪd/.
/d/ Quando a pronúncia do verbo terminar em uma vogal ou uma consoante sonora (com vibração das cordas vocais), a pronúncia do sufixo -ED será /d/.
play | /pleɪ/ | played | /pleɪd/ |
grab | /græb/ | grabbed | /græbd/ |
brag | /bræg/ | bragged | /brægd/ |
live | /lɪv/ | lived | /lɪvd/ |
use | /yu:z/ | used | /yu:zd/ |
engage | /ɪnˈgeɪdʒ/ | engaged | /ɪnˈgeɪdʒd/ |
blame | /bleɪm/ | blamed | /bleɪmd/ |
listen | /lɪsən/ | listened | /lɪsənd/ |
control | /kənˈtroʊl/ | controlled | /kənˈtroʊld/ |
repair | /rɪper/ | repaired | /rɪperd/ |
/t/ Quando a pronúncia do verbo terminar em uma consoante não-sonora (sem vibração das cordas vocais), a pronúncia do sufixo -ED será /t/. Exemplo:
stop | /stɑp/ | stopped | /stɑpt/ |
work | /wərk/ | worked | /wərkt/ |
laugh | /læf/ | laughed | /læft/ |
miss | /mɪs/ | missed | /mɪst/ |
cash | /kæʃ/ | cashed | /kæʃt/ |
watch | /wɑtʃ/ | watched | /wɑtʃt/ |
/ɪd/ Quando a pronúncia do verbo terminar em T ou D, a pronúncia do suffixo -ED será /ɪd/: Exemplo:
need | /niːd/ | needed | /niːdɪd/ |
attend | /ətend/ | attended | /ətendɪd/ |
visit | /vɪzət/ | visited | /vɪzətɪd/ |
create | /kriːeɪt/ | created | /prɪntɪd/ |
want | /wɔnt/ | wanted | /wɔntɪd/ |
/prɪnt/ | printed | /kriːeɪtɪd/ |
Exemplos de Verbos Regulares em Frases do Dia a Dia Americano.
- I graciously accept the award on her behalf.
- He graciously accepted the award on her behalf.
- I think I add too much sugar to the recipe.
- I think Sara added too much sugar to the recipe.
- I admire Mr. Jones for his intellect.
- Moe admired Mr. Jones for his intellect.
- I admit that it was all her fault.
- Corinne admitted that it was all her fault.
- I advise against staying out too late.
- Her parents advised against staying out too late.
- I agree to meet at the coffee shop.
- They agreed to meet at the coffee shop.
- I announce the grand prize winner of the night.
- Liz announced the grand prize winner of the night.
- I bake a cake alone sometimes.
- The family baked a cake together.
- I behave very badly at preschool.
- Timmy behaved very badly at preschool.
- The headlights nearly blind the deer on the road.
- The headlights nearly blinded the deer on the road.
- I blush at the compliment.
- Flora blushed at the compliment.
- The children camp in the backyard.
- The children camped in the backyard last night.
- I collect stamps as a hobby.
- I crash into the tree with my car.
- They deserve what they get.
- They deserved what they got.
- I hope to form a whole new opinion about Joe.
- Beck formed a whole new opinion about Joe.
- I always nod in agreement.
- Andrew nodded in agreement.